

About Me

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South Fulton, TN, United States
I'm in my later 20s and I'm really not sure where my life is headed right now. I have my teaching degree and am currently teaching middle school. I am unmarried and have no children and I am okay with that. I do want these things in the future but my time for those kinds of responsibilities is not here yet. I love life! There is beauty all around us, in everything and everyone - you just have to open yourself up enough to see it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How long?

How long has it been since I last blogged? Hmmm...too long! I'm feeling rather reflective today. I'm not really sure why, I just am. As childish as it is to admit this I just got finished watching the Disney Channel's "Camp Rock". I love that movie. I usually love any movie with music though. I think music is what keeps me going on a daily basis. I sing the soundtrack to my life in my head. Anyway, the movie...there is a song in it called, "This is Me". The song says, "I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face. So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say....this is real, this is me, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now, going to let the light shine on me Now I've found who I am there's no way to hold it in no more hiding who i want to be this is me" I know my grammar/punctuation is way off in that but still the message speaks to me. growing up I was the girl that was afraid to tell the world what I thought. I hid my face. Shyness was my curse along with self-doubt. Now don't get me wrong I still have my areas in life that I want to change but I'm not afraid or ashamed of who I am. I am proud to be me. For the first time in a long time I finally feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I love my job, I'm an independent adult, I have a great group of friends and a family that loves and supports me. What more could I need. I'm thinking about buying my own home and one day if its in God's plan for my life maybe a husband and family will follow. I've always been in such a rush for that to happen but now I don't feel like I am. I'm having fun with my life just the way it is. That is such an amazing feeling. I feel like screaming to the world, "This is real. This is me! I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now; going to let the light shine on me. Now I've found who I am there's no way to hold it in. No more hiding who I want to be; this is me!" Ahhhh clarity!