

About Me

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South Fulton, TN, United States
I'm in my later 20s and I'm really not sure where my life is headed right now. I have my teaching degree and am currently teaching middle school. I am unmarried and have no children and I am okay with that. I do want these things in the future but my time for those kinds of responsibilities is not here yet. I love life! There is beauty all around us, in everything and everyone - you just have to open yourself up enough to see it!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This one's gonna be long

Ok, this one is going to be long...not that any of mine are ever really short, but anyway. I love to write; I love to put my thoughts down on paper, or in this case, down on the computer. It clears my brain some.
My best friend is getting married in April. I have been there through this relationship from the very beginning. I remember the first night she came home after meeting him....she was not "head-over-hills" by any means. Josh kind of had to grow on her. I am very happy for them. Steph asked me to be her maid-of-honor. This is a big honor for me considering she has so many close friends. I really thought she would have picked her cousin or one of her friends from high school, but she picked me! I'm taking this maid-of-honor title very serious. I want to be great at my job! I'm trying to get her to select a date for a wedding shower, but that is easier said than done. Then I will get to plan a bachelorette party! Woo-hoo!!! But my most important concern is the wedding itself. I want to make sure Steph's day is a stress-free as possible. I haven't the slightest clue how to obtain this goal, but I'm working on it! Since I love to write so much and express myself in this way, I wanted to write a poem for Steph and Josh and possibly read it at the rehearsal dinner or even at the reception. This idea makes Steph a little squirmish. She knows how girly and sentimental I can get and she is a little scared by this. Well, I have had no luck on coming up with a poem. All my thoughts about Josh and Stephanie have to do with the whole "gang" of us instead of just the two of them. So, I decided to look through some poetry books and other books that I have to come up with some inspiring words. I'm not sure how I am going to use them or even if I will but this is what I found. Let me know what you think!

~One cannot give what he does not posses. To give love you must posses love.
~One cannot teach what he does not understand. To teach love you must comprehend love.
~One cannot know what he does not study. To study love you must live in love.
~One cannot appreciate what he does not recognize. To recognize love you must be receptive to love.
~One cannot have doubt about that which he wishes to trust. To trust love you must be convinced of love.
~One cannot admit what he does not yield to. To yield to love you must be vulnerable to love.
~One cannot live what he does not dedicate himself to. To dedicate yourself to love you must be forever growing in love.

Love is like a mirror. When you love another you become his mirror and he becomes yours...and reflecting each other's love you see infinity.

We find love in many things, though we know its not a thing in the sense that it cannot be bought or sold or weighed or measured. Love can only be given, expressed freely. It can't be captured or held, for its neither there to tie nor to hold. Its in everyone and everything in varying degrees and awaits actualization. Its not apart from the self. Love and the self are one. There are no kinds of love; love is love; there are only degrees of love. Love is trusting, accepting, believing, without guarantee. Love is patient and waits, but its an active waiting, not a passive one. For it is continually offering itself in mutual revealing, a mutual sharing. Love is spontaneous and craves expression through joy, through beauty, through truth, even through tears. Love lives in the moment; its neither lost in yesterday nor does it crave for tomorrow. Love is NOW!

Love is always changing and always learning. Love offers the greatest flexibility. It asks only that we accept behavior as it is expressed in the knowledge that this behavior is not permanent. It is not a matter of forgiving. Forgiving, in a sense, is condescending. It is a matter of accepting the person unconditionally for what he is at the moment, realizing that what he is today is not what he will be tomorrow. A lover is, then, constantly watching, listening, waiting, feeling, adjusting, readjusting, and changing.


Tommy said...

I'm reading, so don't talk bad about me.

carrie said...
